Sunday, February 7, 2010

Honesty Demon

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have based my sself honesty on thoughts feelings and emotions.
I forgive myself that ihave accepted and allowed mysefl t ohave based my self forgiveness, off of the assumption that i was being self honest when i was acutally basing mysefl off of thoughts feelings and emotions, not realizing tht i was decieving mysefl .
I forgive mysfl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysefl according to the following of thoughts feelings and emotino and believing them to be me expreesing mysel self honesly.
I forgive mysefl that ihave accepted and allowed mysefl t ohave abused mysefl by believeing hat i was expressing mysefl self honestly when in actuallity i was abusing mysefl , i had manipulated mysefl within and as the enslavement to the honesety demon.
I forgive mysefl taht i hav e accepted and allowed mysefl to have enslaved mysefl t othe honesty demon, not standing one and equal to mysefl as the honesey demon.
I forgive mysefl that ihave accepted and allowed mysefl to have decieved myself by believeing that i was being self honest when i had realizied a point within and as thoughts, when in actuality, the realization was false for taht it was of thought, i am not defined by false realizations for that is acdtually self dishonesty it is not self honesty it is enslavement to the honesty demon, it is not me standing one and equal to mysefl as the honsty demon.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined self realization, as that of thoughts feelings and emotions that were seen within and as 'honesty' that i s of self deceition for tht honesty only exist as self manifpustion.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to base mysefl off of separation for that to follow athought feeling or nad emotion is of separation for that all of them only geneerate when i am benig self dishonbest to myself and to then define that following as self honesty is actually self dishonesty wihtin and as self deceptoin.
I forgive mysefl that ihave accepted and allowed mysefl t ohave decieved mysefl by following thoughts feelings and emotino sand defining them as realizations when the realization only is me as when i actually realize mysefl within and as actual self honesty through realizing that i am not actually thosse thoughts, feelings and emotions, they are telling me that i am separating mysefl from mysefl.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have enslaved myesfl to the honesty demon by believing that i am being self honest when decieving mmysefl.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined self realization as that of thinking,feeling and having emotions.
I forgive mysefl that ihave accepted and allowed mysefl to have based my expression of mysefl according to that of self deceptoin through self dishonesty through honesty.
I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allwed myself to embrace the honesty demon as me equal and one and then realize mysefl within the honesty demon instead of enslaving mysefl t oit.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have justified and hid mysefl from mysefl by allowing mysefl to participate within and as the belief that i was being self honest when having realizations that were actually just me folowing thoughts feelings and emotions.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have self dishonestly separated mysefl from mysefl by justifiying my hiding from mysefl ignoratntly by allowing mysefl to define self realizaionts according to thoughts feelings and emotions.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have hidden mysefl within and as self dishonesty through false self realizations and then wondered why i was of self dishonesty, assuming that i had realized points of mysefl self honestly when i was fooling mysefl, i had decieved and manipulated mysefl.
I forgive mysefl that i have acceptd and allowed mysefl to have participated within and as self dishoesety by manipulatin myself, abusing mysefl by defining my self realizaions according to honesty through following thoughts feelings and emotions.

Realize thoughts feelings and emotions are generated from me participating within and as self dishonesty
To follow them as realizations is deception and self abuse
To stand one and equal to them and then as them realize myself is where self realization exist and then stand as the point.
To follow honesty is of deception.
I am one and equal to the honesty demon.
Embrace the honesty demon as me and realize mysefl within and as it.
I am one and equal to myself as what i have accepted and allowed, i embrace what i have accepted and allowed within me and realize mysefl within my embracing of myself.

Prophet System Demon

I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl t ofear the future.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysfl to have enslaved mysefl to the prophet system demon by allowing mysfl to fear the future.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl t ohave manifested the future by feariing it and enslaveing mysefl to the prophet system demon.
I forgive mysefl that ihave accepted and allowed mysefl t ofeaer future projections.
I forgive mysefl taht i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined myself according to the fear of future projection, assumtions of what the future wiill could possibly entail which is of fear, not real, not real.
I forgive mysfl that i have accepted and lallowed mysefl to have feared the future which is acutally fear of future projections, fear of assumtions, fear of thoughts, feelings and emotions which enslaved me to the prophet systme demon.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed myself to have separated mysefl from the prophet sysetm demon by not standing one and equal to the prophet system demon.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defeined mysefl as separatte from the prophet system demon by fearing the future which had enslaved myself to hte prophet system demon.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to fear future projections of the economy.
I ofrgive mysfl that ihave accepted and allowed mysefl to have feared furture projections of the fall of the money system.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepetd and allowed mysefl to have defined mysefl according to the fear of the future regarding the state of the economy, allowing mysefl to be controlled by thoughts feelings and emotions regarding the separation due to enslavement to the prophet system demon.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have based my expression of mysefl as separate from mysefl by fearing the future, fearing the furture projections based off of knowledge and information, enalaving mysefl to the prophet system demon.
I forgive mysefl that i have not allowed mysefl to stand one and equal to the prophet system demon.
I forgive myself that i have not allowed mysefl to embrace the prophet system demon as me, for that it is me, it is me, it is what i have accepted and allowed as me one and equal.
I forgive mysefl that i have not accepted and allowed mysef lto have stood one and equal to my prophet system demon as me here as breath and realize myself through this stand of oneness and equality to mysefl and see mysefl.

I am one and equal to the prophet system demon,
To fear the future is to separte me from myself as the prophet sytem demon and then self realizaton would not be possible for taht i had separated mysefl from the prophet system demon.
I am one and equal to the prophet system demon as me.
I stand one and equal to my system demons.
I embrace my system demons
I realize mysefl within and as my system demons as me and amalgamate mysefl within them as me and then realize mysefl within them and see me, aware of me.

Peace System Demon

I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to believe that peace exists.
I forgive mysefl thta i have acceptd and allowed mysfl to have believe that i had experienced peace.
I forgive mysefl that i have acceptd and allowed mysefl to have believed that i am peaceful
I forgive mysefl that ihave accepted and allowed mysefl to have desired peace.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysefl according to peace.
I forgive mysefl that ihave accepted and llowed mysefl to have defined mysefl according to the consturct of the polarity of peace for that i am separating mysefl from mysefl i f i define mysfl as peace for that if peace exists, war exists.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl from mysefl by separating mysfl form the peace system demon by enlaveing mysefl to the peace system demon by believing that i am of peace.
I forgivae myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysfl as a positive polarity construct as peace.
I forgive mysfl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to hae separated myself form mysefl by defining mysefl according to peace, not realizing that i am one and equal to all that exists, including war.
I forgive myseelf ttha i have accepted and allowed war to exist by defining mysfl as peaceful.
I forgive mysfl that ihave accepted and allowed mysefl to decieve mysefl by believing that i am peaceful.
I forgive myself that i have not allowed mysefl to realize that peace in itself is an illusion for that in this world peace only exist for that conflict exist, as a polarity construct.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysfl to when in distress, which is an emotion, desire to experience peace, feeling.
i forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to when in distress, desire to be in peace and go and eat tasty foods to 'feel' better to feel peaceful.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysefl according to the illusion of peace by eating foods to feel peacefull form having a rough day.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysfl to have defined mysefl according to separation by allowing mysfl to participate within and as the polarity construct of peace and conflict.
I forgive mysfl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl t obelieve that i can be in conflict with mysefl.
I forgive mysefl thta ihave accepted and alllowed mysefl to have believed that i can be the polar oppostie of conflict as peace with mysefl.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysfl according to the feelings which are illusions that i get from eating food when in distress.
I forgive mysfl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl from mysefl by alloiwng something separate from myself to manifest peace within me, instead of me as mysefl existing as self peace. peace as mysefl as self acceptance.
I forgive mysefl that i have not accepted and allowed mysefl to stand one and equal to the peace system demon, and instead separtated mysefl from the peace sysstem demon by allowing mysefl to be moved by the feeling of peace from an outside manifestation, not allowing mysefl to accepte mysefl as self peace.

I am one and equal to the peace system demon
I am Self peace, Self acceptance, self aware as self
One and equal to my system demons as me. Here.
I accept and embrace me here and realize me through this embracement.

Energy System Demon.

I forgive myself that i have accepetd and allowed mysfl to have enlaved mysefl to the energy system demon by believing that energy exist.
I forgive mysefl that i have acceptd and allowe dmysefl to believe that envergy exists.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowe dmysefl to be confrolled by energy by believing that it exists.
I forgive myself that i have accetped and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl from mysefl by believing that energy exists and that i am of energy.
I forgive mysefl tah i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have believeid that i am of energy.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl t ohave participatied within and as the belief that energy exists.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl t ohave believed that latharica exists.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defiend myself according to that of being lathargic during moments when i suddenly feel tired.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have believed in the illusion of feeling tired, feeling lathargic when it is an illusion that is not real for that i t is of energy and i f i particiapte within this energy, i am then enslaved to this energy, not expressin gmysef as mysefl here.
I forgive myself that i havae acceptd and allowed mysefl to have voiced 'i am tired' which promotes and validated the thought which then, validates my enslavement to the illusion that i am tired which is of energy.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl from mysefl by believing that i am of tiredness and that i can possibly be lathargic for that both is of the mind, both is of energy, both is of self dishonesty illusion that doesnt exist.
I forgive mysefl that I have accpeted and allowed mysefl to havae enslaved mysefl to the energy system demon, not standing one and equal to it as me, embracing it as me.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl t ohave not realized that the energy system demon is one and equal to me and that to believe that i am of energy is separating me from mysefl and from the energy system demon for that the system demons are here within and as me assist and support me to realize who i really am.
I am one and equal to the energy system demon
I stand as equal and one the energy system demon.
I am not defined by energy
I am not controlled by energy
I am not enslaved by energy.
I stand one and equal to my system demons as me. I embrace my system demons as me and realize mysefl within and as my system demons as me here.

Wisdom System Demon

I forgive mysefl that i have accepetd and allowed mysefl to have defined mysfl according to wisdom
I forgive mysefl that i have accepetd and allowe dmysfl to have defined mysfl as wise.
I forgive mysefl tht i have acceptd adn allowed mysfl to have defined mysefl according to my trial s and tribulations within and as the definition of fate which is of an illusion, fate is not real.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysfl to have justified my reasons for having fucked up in life as that of fate and then deeming mysefl as wise.
I forgive mysfl taht i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysefl as that of experiencing mysefl for something that is of fate, and not as me realizing me as what i have accepted and allowed within me.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysfl according to the manifestation of fate by defining mysefl according to that of the enslavement to the wisdom system demon.
I forgive mysefl that i have not acceptd adnd allowed mysefl to stand one and equal t othe wisdom system demon.
I forgive mysefl that i have not accepted and allowed mysefl to stand one and equal to myself as the wisdom system demon.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have deemed experiences of mysefl within and as my past as that of fate, which is of self deception as an illusion from accepted and allowed enslavement to the wisdom system demon.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysefl according to that of fate, accordint to something outside of me making choices for me, when it is me participating within and as preprogrammed experinces
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed myself to have defeined mysefl as wise for the experiences that i had in the relationship with lina.
I forgive mysfl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysefl as that of a being of wisdom for the trials and tribulations that ihad experienced within and as the relationship to lina.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have justified the reason why the realationship fucked up as that of fate.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have not realizd that fate is an illusion, the relationship was not of fate, it was preprogrammed to manifest the way it did and to justify the experience as that of fate is self dishonest.
I forgive myself thta i have accepted and allowed mysfl to have believed thta it was fate to have experienced mysefl the way tha i did with lina and then defined my expression of myself as that of wise, that of wisdom, that of an illusion, that of enslavement for that wisdom is enslavemenet to the wisdom system demon.
I am one and equal to the wisdom system demon
I am one and equal as the wisdom system demon
I stand one and equal to the wisdom system demon
I stand one and equal to all system demons as me.

Knowledge System Demon

I forgive myself that ihave accepted and allowed mysefl to when absorbing obtaining knowledge within me, just leave it as it is without living my words as the knowledge i had obtained.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysefl according to the knowledge that i have yet to live.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have participated witin and as the separation of mysefl from knowledge by not living it, not living the knowledge as me.
I forgive myself thta i have accepted and allowed mysefl t ohave desired to share knowledge without living the words as me.
I forgive mysefl tath ihave acceptd anda llowed mysfl to have defiened mysefl according to the knowledge that i have obtained and not yet lived and then desired to tell.
I forgive mysefl that i have not allowed mysefl to stand one and equal to that knowledge that i had obtained.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysfl to have not stood one and equal to mysefl by standing one and equal to what i have allowed within me as knowledge and living my words as this knowledge as the living word.

I am one and equal to the knowledge system demon
I stand as one and equal to the knowledge system demon.
I embrace the knowledge system demon as me here, and realize mysfl within and as this embracing of mysefl here.

Information System Demon.

I forgive myself that I Have accepted anda llowed mysefl t ohave defined mysefl according to that of information.
I ofrgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have expressed mysfl within and as information by speaking and talking out of words learned and not lived.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have desired to tell other beings words of what i had learned as that of information for that it was owrds that i have not yet lived as me.
I forgive mysefl taht i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl from the information attained by allowing mysfl to not live it, and then attempt to express it.
I forgive mysfl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have desired to share the knowledge and information obtained through desteni to orhter beings.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have desired to share and express the knowledge and information obtatined through desteni to my african american literature class, saying that race is a construct.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysfl t ohave defined mysefl according to words not yet lived by me by desireing to tell other beings about the knowledge and information that i have.
I forgive mysefl that I have not allowed mysefl to live the knowledge and information obtained as me here.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have not stood equal and one with the knowledge and information obtained through desteni by not living the words of the knowleddge and information within and as me and rthen wanting to share, tell, suggest the words to others, which is of separtation for that it would be of the mind, not of expression.
I forgivemyself that i have acccepted and allowed mysefl to have desired to speak of the mind, speak of thought, and not speak of my expression of myself by desireing to share to other beings what i have 'leaerned' about what is and what is not through the knowledge and information i had obtaine thorugh the deesteni site.
I forgive myself that i have acceptd and allowed mysefl t ohave separted mysefl from mysefl by separating mysefl form the information system demon b allowing it to control me and not standig one and equal to it as me.
I forgivemyself that ihave not allowed mysefl to stand one and equal to the information system demon by not allowing mysefl to speak of information, and living my words and speaking of words lived.

I am one and equal to the information system demon.
I stand one and equal t othe information system demon.
I speak of words lived. I embrace the information system demon.
When speaking of thoughts, check mysefl and correct mysefl within my expression of mysefl.
I embrace within and as oneness and equality the information system demon and realize mysefl within and as this embracing.
I stand as one as equal to my system demons as me here.

Ascension System Demon

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to havae believed that i was going to participate within and as acension in 2013.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to hae believed that i was going to go to the 4ht and 5th dimensions in 2013 and that all of the world would go to the new dimension and expereince dimsional aliens.
I forgive mysefl that ihave accepted and allowed mysefl to have believed that i was going to go somewhere, somewhere out there, some delusion of my mind when i dont exist out there because i am here.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have participatied within and as the belief of ascension, through knowledge and informatoin, by just believing that i would ascend to another place, realm if i had attained a certain type of knowledge and information, which was a total mind fuck for that acension is a belief, is a constrruct does not exist within existence.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have been influenced by alex collier and the allies to humanity by believing and trusting them within and as the belief of ascension and then assuming that in 2013 i will ascend as well.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl t ohave defined mysefl according to trust in acension.
I forgive mysfl that ihave accepted and allowed mysef to have parrticiapted within and as the assumtion that i willl ascend to another realm by sharing the information to other beings, t omy friends and assuming that it was true, when in fact i was in a mind fuck fucking arouind within and as self dishonesty, fucking around with mysefl within and as my system demons as me.
I forgive msfl that i have accepetd and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl form the ascension system demon by believing tht i can go somewhere, somewhere out there, somewhere in a nother dimension in 2013
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined the year 2013 as a yeaer of acension, which is an illusion a dulusion.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have had the expectation of ascending in 2013 based off of knowledge and information.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have enslaved mysefl to the ascension system demon by believing in ascension in 2013 instead of remeaing here and not allwoing myefl to fall into the trap of enslavement to an illusion delusion of ascension.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to haave not stood one and equal to the ascension demon as me.
I forgive mysefl taht i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl from mysefl by believing in ascension.
I forgive mysefl taht i haave accepted and allowed mysefl to hae participated within and as self dishonesty through self decpetion through separating mysfl from myself by separtating mysefl from the ascension system demon by believing in ascension.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to believe that ascension exist.

I am one and equal to the acension system demon
I stand one and equal to hte acension system demon
I am not enslaved the the belief of ascension.
I embrace and stand one and equal to the ascension system demon and realize myself within and as thie embracing of the ascension system demon as me here.

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