Sunday, February 7, 2010

I forgive myself that I have accepted anda allowed mysefl to have manifested the numbness on my left side of my body due to self dishonesty.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have amniefested the retreating of my pink in my nails due to self dishonesty.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have suppressed mysefl within instead of expressing mysefl withiout.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed myself to continuously say that i will not give up, and not actually find the point that needs to be worked with.

I forgive mysefl that I have accepted anda llowed mysefl to have had the starting point of ego within my self forgiveness.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have egotistically stated that i will get through this no matter what i have go through as a means of separation from what i am am currently experiencig.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have limited mysefl from myself by separating mysefl from my entire mind consciousness system.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have feared what is going to happen to me.
I forgive mysefl thta I have accepted and allowed mysefl to fear having s siezure and possibly dying.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepteed and allowed mysefl to have feared consequences of my accepted and allowed self dishonesties.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have fueled the ego as separate from me by not standing one and equal to the ego and defining the ego as that of something that i must get rid of, instead of something tht i have to realize.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysefl according to the separation betwwenn mysefl and the ego of the mind.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have not stood one and equal to mysefl and withihn this standing of inequality, manifested mysefl as that of separation.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysefl according to separation by allowing mysefl to suppress myself wtihin me, accepting and allowing mysefl to have believed that i am completly alone in existtence when i am all in existence as me, i am one and equal to all, i just have to realize it and not separate mysefl form myself.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have manifested mysefl as that of complete separation through limitation through suppression of mysefl within and as my starting points of self forgiveness.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to haave hd the starting point of ego.
I forgive myasefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have had the starting point of desire.
I forgive mysefl that I hav eaccepted and allowed mysefl to have had the starting point of recognotion, the desire for recognition,
I forgive mysefl hta i have accepted and allowed mysel to hvae had the startingn point of lazinness.
I forgive mysefl that I have acceptd and allowed mysefl to have ahd the starting point of procrastinoation.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl t ohave had the strating point of separation from my world.
I forgive mysefl that I hav eacceptd and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl form my entire life, separated mysefl from how i lived before, when how i lived before is how i am today, for that i am what i have accepted and allowed mysefl to live as which is manifested within and as me. limiting mysefl form expressing mysefl .
I forgive mysfl that Ihave accepted and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl fromthe system that has manifested within and as me, wanting and desireing it to be gone when in acutality it is me, it is me, manifested in separation from mysefl.
I forgive mysefl that i have acceptd andlalowed myself to have just wanted to return to how i was withoiut these manifestations, not realizing that this is what i have accepted and allowed to exist as and i must realize mysefl.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have manifested this expression of mysefl onto mysefl, not allowing mysefl to express myself as mysefl,
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed myself to have become entrapped within the system that i have created due to separation.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have , becuase of accepted and allowed separation manifested mysefl aas that of a system, a separttion of the system that i am at the moment, not allowing mysefl to express myself as mysefl within and as a system.
I forgive mysefl tath I ahve accepetd adnd allowed myself to have believed that i will just leave from being a system.
I forgive myself that I have not allowed mysefl to realize that i have allowed htis to happen, and i have to face me here.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have feared the limitation system that is manifested on me.
I forgive mysefl that I have acccepted and allowed mysefl to have defiend mysefl as separate from the limitation system.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl from myself by separating mysefl form the limitation system, not realizing that to realize mysefl is to stand one and equal to me aas the physical as me as a system that i have allowed mysefl to be.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl form myself by allowing myself to believe that i am separate from the mind conciousness system, fueling the systems of my sseparation , not allowing myself to particitpate within and as the oneness and equality of myself to mysfl as the system for that i am this system.
I forgive mysfl that i have not allowed mysefl to realize that to be aware, intimate and realize mysefl, i have stand one and equal to myself.
I forgive mysefl that i ahve not allowed mysefl to reamain aware of mysefl .
I forgive mysefl that i hve not allowed mysefl to remain intimate with myself.
I forgive mysefl thta i have not allowed mysefl to realize mysefl.
I forgive mysefl that I have not allowed mysefl to direct mysefl
I forgive mysefl that I have anot allowed mysf to move mysefl.
I forgive msy that I have acceptd and allowed myasefl to have not expressed mysefl within and as my own expression. believing that i am somehting else
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to copy other beings.
I forgive mystlf taht i have acceptd and allowed mysefl t ohave copied the expression of others, whithoiu expressing mysefl.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have copied other peoples expression of themselves, and the way the do and move themselves instead of just expressing mysefl as myself,
I forgive myself that I have accepetd anda llowed mysefl to have stood wwithin and as inequality to mysefl, by allowing mysefl to coppy patterns of mysefl and of otheres.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepetd and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl form the people in capoeirea class.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl from capoeira class.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have allowed the thoughts of what wexist within me to control me.
I forgive mysefl that i Have accepted and allowed the pokemon song to manifeset within me.
I forgive mysfl that I have accepted and allowed myself to become sad when feeling my body going numb.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have not faced all of my points that i have within and as me. all of my system demons.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepetd and allowed mysefl to have ignored all of my system demons.
I forgive mysefl that i Have accpeted and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl form all of my system demons.
I forgive mmysefl that Ihave accepetted and allowed mysefl to have limited myself to only facing a few of the system demons when knowing that there are more system demons thn just fear, sex, desire and masturabtion.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl from myself by not facing all of my system demons.
I forgive mysefl that I have not allowed mysefl to even consider that i have pushed myself as my system demons to the side and limited mysefl to not facing my system demons.
I forgive mysefl that ihave not alllowed mysfl to be aware of mysefl as all of what i have accepted and allowed. every construct , every desingn, every manifesteation, every pattern all habitts, and just stopping.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have separated my system demons from me, allowing mysefl to only look at few and make them conditional.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have thoughts of rather not knowing about whwat exists and not suffering from my ideas about how to face mysefl.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have regreetteed realizing that i am a system for that i am living within and as ideas, exprectations and future projections and not living here.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysfl to manifest mysefl inside o fregret.
I forgive mysefl that i Have accepted and allowed mysefl to have lived within and as an idea about self forgiveness and process.
I forgive myself thta I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have pariticpated withn and as expectations for my process.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have participated within and as ideas and expectations and future projection about muscle communication.
I forgive mysefl that i have acceptd and allowed mysfl to have defiend mysefl according to the ideas expectations and future projections about muscle communication.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysefl according to a future projection of mysefl within and as muscle communication.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to ffeaer going into the dimensions.
I forgive mysefl that ihave accepted and allowed myesfl to fefar dying and then going into the dimentions.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to fear having to apply mysefl in the dimenstions and not living here.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysef lto feaer losing mysefl.
I forgive mysefl that i have acceptd and allowed mysefl to fear losing my life.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepetd and allowed mysefl to fear losing the life that i live here.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to feaer losing the life that i have comfortably lived here.
I forgive myesfl tht ii have accepted and allowed mysefl to defeine mysefl according to the fear of loosss of the life that i live here.
I forgive mysefl that iHave accepted and allowed mysefl to have suppressed mysefl within and as the fear of loss, the fear of lossing mysefl.
I forgive mysefl that i Have acceptd and allowed mysefl t ohave particitpated with the fear of loss by defeinng mysefl according to the fear of lossing mysefl, the fear of losing my life the fear of dying, the fear of not reamaing here inthe life that i live.
I forgive mysefl tehat i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have limited my expression of mysefl for that i feared losin myself.
I forive mysefl tht ihave accepted and allowed mysefl to fear losing my systematic life.
I forgiv myeself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to fear losing the way that i apply self forgiveness.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to fear lossin my life to the system that i had accepetd and allowed to manifest within me due to separation.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl t ofear losing mysefl t othe systems that are me.
I forgive mysefl ethat i have accepted and allowed myself to have defiend mysefl as infereiror to the systems
I forgive mysefl that I have accepetd and allowed mysefl to particicpate within and as inferiority, assuming that i am less that asll of what i have accepted and allowed.
I forgive mysfl that i ahve accepetd and allowed mysefl to have believed that i am inferior to desteni.
I forgive mysfl tha i have accepted and allowed mysefl to believe taht i am inferior to self forgiveness in every moemtn of breath.
I forgive mysfl that i have acceptd and allowed mysefl to have believed that i am inferior to masturbation
I forgiv e mysefl that i have accepted and allowe dmyself to have believed that i am inferior to bernard.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have believed that i am inferior to sunette.
I forgiv emysel taat i have acceptd and alowed mysefl to have bellieved that i am inferior to the syestems that are within and as me.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to suppress my voice for that i believed that i was inferior
I forgive mysel that i ahve accepetd and allowed mysefl to have withheld my words, my expression, the way i sepak hwo i do things, inside of me for that i believed that i am inferior.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined mysefl according to separations by going into ego and believing that i am inferiorl.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to limit mysefl by judgeing mysefl.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have separated mysefl from the religious system.
I forgive mysfl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have defined myslf as inferior to the religious system within and as the limitationsystem.
I forgive myseft that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have manifested mysefl within and as the construct of trust for that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to asuume that i am inferior.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have self dishonestly applyied self forgiveness within and ass the moments of forgiving mysefl about the religiouis system.
I forgive mysefl that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have have manifested mysefl to believe that i am inferior out of comparisson to otheres.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepetd and allowed mysefl to compare mysefl to beings on desteni.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have compared mysefl to beings on the forum.
I forgive myesfl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl t ohave compared mysefl to beings on the streets.
I forgvie myself tath I have accepted anda llowed myself to have compared mysefl t omysefl .
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to have blamed the point of me having been vaccinated for my expression.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to manifest the construct of blame by blaming the vaccinations for my expression of mysfl within and as the experience of mysefl.
I forgive mysefl that i have accepted and allowed mysefl to separate mysefl from mysefl by blaming vacitationa which is in fact shame of my expression of mysefl.
I forgive mysel that i have acceptd and allowed mysefl t ohave not expressed mysefl as mysefl, and instead fall into blame on vaccitations
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed mysefl to have adopted the survvail characteristics from my mom.
I forgive myself that i have not accepetd and allowed mysefl to expand expound my expression of mysefl, and unconditionally embrace and realize mysefl for who i am as what i have accepted and allowed and then beomce one and queal to myself through this embracing.
I forgive mystl that i have not allowed myself to realize that the systems are supporting me, they are me, as me, it is not separate mysefl from them.

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